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Brian Mast: Two Years After Initial Decision, It’s Time To Get LOSOM Done and Keep Moving Forward

Below is a press release from Florida Congressman Brian Mast.

PORT ST. LUCIE – U.S. Congressman Brian Mast (FL-21) reacted to the latest action by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to address the outdated operating schedule for Lake Okeechobee and reduce harmful discharges to Florida’s east coast.  As the rainy season is underway and toxic algae covers huge swaths of the lake, the Corps released an updated version of the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM).  After several bureaucratic delays, Rep. Mast urged expeditious implementation of the plan and was encouraged to hear that the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) plans to complete its biological consultation by the end of August. 

“This announcement makes some clarifications to the plan that was put forward last year but thankfully does not make the plan worse for our community.  While it’s far from perfect, this version of LOSOM is still a dramatic improvement on the status quo,” said Rep. Mast.  “It’s been five years since I passed the bill requiring a rewrite of LORS, and two years to the date since the Army Corps announced its decision on LOSOM.  In the meantime, the Treasure Coast has continued to suffer as the sugar industry’s toilet.  Enough is enough; let’s get this implemented once and for all.” 

Rep. Mast also urged action on his plan, the Northern Estuaries Restoration Plan (NERP), funding for the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) reservoir, and warned against complacency.

“LOSOM is going to make a huge difference in the fight against harmful discharges, but it isn’t where our fight ends,” Mast continued.  “We need to fully fund the EAA reservoir and NERP, so that we can finally end all discharges to the east coast and send the water south as God intended.”  


  • Following a three-year long development process resulting from legislation passed by Rep. Mast in 2018, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers selected Balanced Alternative CC as the foundation for the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM), which will dictate operations on Lake Okeechobee for approximately the next decade.
  • After nearly two years of “optimization,” the plan was scheduled to be implemented in June, 2023, ahead of the rainy season.  In March, 2023, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) raised concerns about the plan and requested additional time to study the impact on red tide and sea turtles.
  • In 2022, Rep. Mast authored the law that mandates NERP.  NERP builds on the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) by requiring the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to take action to address harmful algal blooms and end the toxic discharges that continue to plague the northern estuaries.  The goal of CERP is to restore America’s Everglades, but it was never intended to completely eliminate harmful discharges to the northern estuaries.  For example, CERP projects are expected to eliminate only two-thirds of discharges to the St. Lucie Estuary.  NERP would work to eliminate the remaining discharges not stopped by the completion of CERP projects.
  • Rep. Mast has also fought constantly for full funding for the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) reservoir.  As part of the 2023 appropriations process, he requested full funding for South Florida Ecosystem Restoration (SFER) projects, including the EAA Reservoir.  As a result of his advocacy, the House Appropriations Committee is poised to approve $425 million this year, an increase over what has been allocated for the project in previous years.  It is also $10 million more than President Biden requested for SFER in his budget.

Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush Joins Young Farmers for Florissant Urban Farm Visit

Below is a press release from Congresswoman Cori Bush.

Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) visited with local urban farms Heru Urban Farming and Garden and Earthdance Farms, urban farms located in North County, Missouri that provide organic and non-gmo food to food desert communities as well as providing healthy food education to local schools.

As someone who has experienced hunger and who has struggled to feed my family, I not only understand the severity of the problem of food insecurity, I’ve lived it,” said Congresswoman Cori Bush. “That is why I am dedicated to fighting everyday in Congress for policies that would ensure no one goes hungry and everyone is able to access affordable and nutritious food, for themselves and their families.

Across North County, many zip codes are considered “food deserts” by the USDA, meaning that the thousands of residents living in these areas are without access to grocery stores, let alone healthy food options. This severe lack of food access means entire communities right here in our region experience malnutrition, making them more susceptible to damaging health outcomes.

Last year, Congresswoman Bush was able to secure nearly $1.5 million dollars in Community Project Funding to go towards A Red Circle to help fight food insecurity in North St. Louis. Specifically, this funding will go toward their NEXUS project, a hub that will open grocery store stocked with affordable, locally sourced food, as well as a cold storage and a distribution site for local urban Black farmers in North County, a commissary kitchen for residents, as well as a community space to teach those in the community about nutrition and how to prepare healthy foods.

This year, Congress will be considering the farm bill—an omnibus, multiyear law that governs an array of agricultural and food programs. It provides an opportunity for policymakers to comprehensively and periodically address agricultural and food issues. In addition to developing and enacting farm legislation, Congress is involved in overseeing its implementation. The farm bill typically is reauthorized every five years. The current farm bill is set to expire September 30, 2023. One of Congresswoman Bush’s top priorities that she will be pushing for in this farm bill includes an increase in investments for sustainable and urban agriculture. 

Urban agriculture can lead to better air quality, increased access to healthy, local food and more green space in our communities,” said Congresswoman Bush. “Places like Heru Urban Farming and Earthdance Farms in St. Louis, are showing the multitude of environmental, economic, and social benefits that sustainable, urban farming can have on our communities. That is why with the pending reauthorization of the farm bill, I am pushing for more investments in sustainable and urban agriculture.

In addition to urban agriculture, Congresswoman Bush is also pushing for the upcoming farm bill to include measures which protect and enhance SNAP benefits and increase federal support for Black farmers and farmers of color.

Florida Congressman Jared Moskowitz Statement on Helicopter Crash in Pompano Beach

Parkland, Florida – Today, Congressman Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida) released the following statement on the helicopter crash in Pompano Beach:

“The thoughts of everyone in Florida are with those who lost their lives in this tragedy. During this difficult time for Broward County, we must remember the importance of community and come together to provide support for the families and friends who lost their loved ones. In the coming days, Broward County must carry out a full investigation into this tragedy so future lives are not at risk.”

Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick Statement on Pompano Beach Helicopter Crash

U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick released the following statement on the Broward Sheriff’s Office helicopter crash in Pompano Beach.

“I was horrified to learn of this morning’s helicopter crash in Pompano Beach and am praying for all those who lost their loved ones in the sudden accident. I also am thinking of the Broward Sheriff’s Office and the family of Captain Terryson Jackson, who lost his life bravely serving his community.

My team and I have been in close contact with the City of Pompano Beach and the Broward Sheriff’s Office. We are closely monitoring this incident and are committed to providing any and all support in the wake of this crash. I also support the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in their investigations to determine the causes of this tragedy and identify what steps need to be taken to prevent crashes in the future.”

Virginia Congressman Morgan Griffith Announces Nearly 4.8 million to Wise County for Improvements to the Public Service Water System

Below is a press release from Virginia Congressman Morgan Griffith.

U.S. Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) announced today that USDA Rural Development has awarded a $3,586,000 grant and a $1,202,000 loan to Wise County for improvements to Wise County Public Service Authority’s water system.

“I appreciate USDA Rural Development for facilitating this nearly $4.8 million grant/loan to Wise County in an effort to correct an existing problem within the Authority’s system’s water pressure. This is a welcome investment to the residents and businesses of Wise County,” said Griffith.

Through the Water and Waste Disposal Program offered by USDA Rural Development, this investment involves the replacement of approximately 29,120 linear feet of water line, and the installation of 12 gate valves, 10 fire hydrant assemblies, and associated water appurtenances. These improvements will ensure that Wise County’s water system meets minimum working pressure of 20 PSI.

Georgia Congresswoman Nikema Williams Introduces Comprehensive Voting Rights Legislation Package

Below is a press release from Georgia Congresswoman Nikema Williams.

Marking the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05), co-chair of both the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus and the Task Force for Strengthening Democracy announced she is introducing one of the most comprehensive voting rights legislative packages in congressional history. The package enjoys broad, bi-cameral support, with multiple Senators introducing companion bills to Congresswoman Williams’ legislation. 

The seven bills introduced by Congresswoman Williams address every aspect of voting, voter registration, and election administration to ensure everyone who is eligible to vote and wants to vote in a federal election can do so with the confidence that their vote will be counted. An eighth bill is still to be introduced. Information about the eight bills and co-leads, is available below. 

Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05), Co-Chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus and the Task Force for Strengthening Democracy said: 

“As we mark the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, we face the same struggle for voting rights as the freedom fighters who convened on the national mall in 1963 fighting for jobs and freedom. All of our rights and basic freedoms come from free and fair access to the ballot.  Every generation has an obligation to move our country one step forward. My legislative package takes a major step to ensuring everyone has free and fair access to the ballot. As Jim Crow 2.0 continues to rise across the country, we urgently need comprehensive national standards to protect voting rights for everyone—no matter your ZIP Code, no matter your bank account.”

Reflecting how powerful the legislation is, 129 of the country’s leading civil rights organizations have endorsed at least one of Congresswoman Williams’ bills in the legislative package. For a full list of endorsing organizations, click here. Some of the endorsing organizations include: Public Citizen, End Citizens United//Let America Vote Action Fund, Common Cause, Demand Progress, National Council of Jewish Women, Fair Fight Action, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., the Coalition for the People’s Agenda, SPLC Action Fund, Care in Action, and Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Campaign. 

Helen Butler, Executive Director of the Coalition for the People’s Agenda said: 

“The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy. Not only should we protect the right to vote, but we should make the process as easy for registered voters as possible. Congresswoman Nikema William’s Voting Rights Package covers election funding to keep our elections secure and make sure election workers have the resources they need, language access, protections to ensure that mail-in ballots are received in a timely manner, ensuring that unhoused voters are not further disenfranchised, and more. These bills help strengthen our democracy and make our country better by making sure that access to the ballot is protected. I am proud to enthusiastically support the entire package.”

LaShawn Warren, Chief Policy Officer at the SPLC Action Fund said: 

“This weekend’s anniversary of the March on Washington and the ongoing struggle it represents is an important reminder that an inclusive, multiracial democracy demands that all voters’ voices are heard. This is why we are thrilled to stand alongside Congresswoman Williams and other champions in Congress as they introduce bills that will promote access for voters too often left out of the process, provide local election workers who are the lifeblood of our democracy the resources they need, and strengthen our democracy. Today, SPLC Action Fund is proud to endorse the Expanding Our Democracy Act, the Unhoused VOTE Act, and the Sustaining Our Democracy Act, and we call on Congress to take action to move these and other critical voting rights bills forward.”

Hillary Holley, Executive Director Care in Action said:

“As we reflect on the March on Washington – and in our generation’s own crucial moment for justice – Congresswoman Nikema Williams is sounding the alarm with a powerful package that demands voters’ voices are heard. It’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to breaking barriers and amplifying voices – particularly those of Black communities and communities of color. From the robust Unhoused Voter Opportunity Through Elections (VOTE) Act to the dynamic People Over Long Lines (POLL) Act, these measures aren’t just about challenges but the keys to unlocking lasting change. Democracy should serve as a beacon of equal opportunity for every individual across our nation. This holds especially true for those historically disenfranchised – the Black and Brown communities who have flexed our political power and continue showing up to the polls through every effort to block our votes. We deserve more than just a seat at the table; we deserve an equitable voice reverberating through the ballot box. As we champion this comprehensive package, we recognize its vital significance for domestic workers and caregivers. These unsung heroes, who provide invaluable care to our families, deserve fair and just access to our democratic process. We’re not just shaping change; we’re architecting a future that echoes our shared values, collective dreams, and unwavering faith in the power of democracy. These measures serve as a clarion call propelling us towards a more inclusive, equitable, and empowered nation.”

1: Expanding the VOTE Act: (Passed the Judiciary Committee via bipartisan markup in 117th Congress. Re-introduced on August 25.) This bill gives jurisdictions the resources to provide more translations of election materials and ensure everyone, regardless of their level of English language proficiency, can equitably participate in our democracy. House Co-leads: Nanette Barragan (CA-44), Judy Chu (CA-28), Jerry Nadler (NY-12), Sharice Davids (KS-3), Marc Veasey (TX-33), Terri Sewell (AL-7), Robert “Bobby” Scott (VA-03). Senate lead: Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 

2: Sustaining Our Democracy Act: (Re-introduced on August 25.) This provides grant funding for states and local jurisdictions to improve and innovate their election administration procedures. House co-leads: Marc Veasey (TX-33), Terri Sewell (AL-7), Robert “Bobby” Scott (VA-03). Senate lead: Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 

3: Voters on the Move Registration Act (Included in Freedom to Vote Act. Re-introduced on August 25.): This provides voters with information on how to register to vote and their voting rights under law as they move residences. House co-leads: John Sarbanes (MD-03), Marc Veasey (TX-33), Terri Sewell (AL-7), Jesus G. “Chuy” Garcia (IL-04)Robert “Bobby” Scott (VA-03).

Unhoused Voter Opportunity Through Elections (VOTE) Act: (New legislation introduced on August 25). This provides protections and minimum standards for accessibility to voting for unhoused people, and provides resources for efforts to expand access to the ballot for unhoused people. House co-leads: Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05), Colin Allred (TX-32), Terri Sewell (AL-7), Robert “Bobby” Scott (VA-03)Senate co-lead Cory Booker (D-NJ) 

5: Election Mail Act: (Re-introduced on August 25.) This improves the delivery and processing of election mail by setting minimum standards and improving USPS processes. Senate lead Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). 

6: People Over Long Lines (POLL) Act: (Re-introduced on August 25.) This sets minimum standards for how long people may wait in line to vote and provides resources to reduce voter wait times. Senate lead: Ron Wyden (D-OR). 

7: Youth Voting Rights Act: (Re-introduced on August 25.) This bill enforces the bipartisan-passed Twenty-Sixth Amendment and ensures eligible youth voters can access the ballot box. Senate lead: Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). 

8: Time Off to Vote Act  (Introduced in the 117th Congress, will be re-introduced soon) This bill mandates that all workers receive protected time off in order to vote.  House lead: Matt Cartwright (PA-08), Congresswoman Williams is House co-lead.

Rep. Clyde to Use Appropriations Process to Defund Trump Prosecutions

Below is a press release from Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde.

Congressman Andrew Clyde (GA-09) announced that he intends to use the appropriations process to defund Special Counsel Jack Smith, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ prosecutorial authority in order to protect the integrity of the 2024 presidential election. 

As a new and conservative member of the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Clyde is actively working on two amendments to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2024 to prohibit the use of federal funding for the prosecution of any major presidential candidate prior to the upcoming presidential election on November 5th, 2024. One amendment would prevent taxpayer dollars from funding federal prosecutions, while a second would prohibit funding for state prosecutions. 

“Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars have no place funding the radical Left’s nefarious election interference efforts,” said Clyde. “Together, Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis intentionally brought four sham indictments against the sitting president’s top political opponent, President Donald J. Trump, as the upcoming 2024 presidential election ramps up. These bogus charges are undoubtedly intended to smear and take down President Trump, as well as hinder his ability to campaign effectively. This overt election interference continues to undermine both our Republic and our fair system of justice.

“Due to my serious concerns about these witch hunt indictments against President Trump, I intend to offer two amendments to prohibit any federal funds from being used in federal or state courts to prosecute major presidential candidates prior to the 2024 election. The American people get to decide who wins the White House — not Deep State actors who have shamelessly attacked Donald Trump since he announced his first bid in 2015. It is imperative that Congress use its power of the purse to protect the integrity of our elections, restore Americans’ faith in our government, and dismantle our nation’s two-tiered system of justice. I’m fully committed to helping lead this effort, and I call on my House Appropriations colleagues to join me in this righteous fight.”

The House Appropriations Committee is expected to markup the FY24 CJS bill when members return to Washington in September. 

Florida Gov. DeSantis Forwards $1.1 Million to Help Victims, Improve Security After College Shooting

Following a recent shooting at Jacksonville’s Edward Waters University, formerly known as Edward Waters University, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that the state will be sending $1.1 million to improve security and help the families of victim’s from a racially-motivated shooting that occured last week. Below is an official news release from the office of Gov. DeSantis.

Over the weekend, Governor DeSantis vehemently condemned the horrific, racially-motivated murders in Jacksonville near Edward Waters University. Governor DeSantis announced an initial, immediate award of $1 million through the Volunteer Florida Foundation to bolster campus security at Edward Waters University in addition to an award of $100,000 to help the impacted families of this tragedy.

“We are not going to allow our HBCUs to be targets for hateful scumbags,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “I’ve directed my administration to use every resource available to ensure the Edward Waters campus is safe following this shooting and to help the impacted families as they mourn their loved ones.”

Additionally, starting yesterday, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) began visiting the campus, providing additional security including during the vigil, and began monitoring social media for any additional threats. Furthermore, today, FDLE Commissioner Mark Glass is visiting with EWU President Dr. A. Zachary Faison Jr. to begin the assessment of the campus’ security infrastructure.

The Governor has directed Volunteer Florida to release the funds as quickly as possible to help the Edward Waters University community and the impacted families. The Governor announced the awards when attending a prayer vigil for the victims in Jacksonville. The Governor has also remained in contact with the University President, Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan and Sheriff T.K. Waters to ensure that the community has the resources they need as they process this tragedy.