Sheriffs, police chiefs, and law enforcement organization executives are praising several items in the state’s budget recently signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis. Known as the “Framework for Freedom Budget, the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year budget includes $20 million for a second round of $5,000 recruitment bonuses for law enforcement officers new to the profession or relocating from other states. Additionally, the budget provides $110 million to provide one-time recognition bonuses for eligible local first responders, and nearly $100 million to boost pay for Correctional and Probation Officers.
Hernando County Sheriff and Florida Sheriffs Association President, Al Nienhuis credited the budget for providing more resources to provide the most ideal candidates for law enforcement careers. “Governor DeSantis’ steadfast support for law enforcement in the Framework for Freedom Budget is remarkable, and we don’t take that support for granted,” Nienhuis said . “Not only is great and common-sense policy being established for public safety, but this budget will also provide the sheriffs and our law enforcement partners with the tools necessary to find and hire the right people. Those people will, in turn, work hard to keep our streets safe and maintain an environment where all Floridians and visitors can feel safe.”
Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) President and Fellsmere Police Department Chief Keith Touchberry highlighted the value of the bonuses and additional incentives for recruitment. “The Florida Police Chiefs Association applauds Governor DeSantis’s commitment to public safety with new funding for the First Responder Recognition Payments Program and officer recruitment incentives,” Touchberry said “These programs are making a difference, and Florida is a leader in public safety due to Governor DeSantis’ steadfast support of our law enforcement officers. His Framework for Freedom Budget is proof positive that Governor DeSantis will always back the blue.”
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, who is nationally known for his candid interviews with the media, noted the distinction between Florida’s priorities for law enforcement compared to other states that are decreasing funds.
“While there are states still de-funding the police, Governor DeSantis once again has proven his remarkable leadership to keep all the people in the State of Florida safe and continue the strongest support of law enforcement officers who stand in the gap between good and evil,” said Judd.
Citrus County Sheriff Mike Prendergast noted the importance of the extra funding to combat opioid drug distribution across the state. “In addition to fighting to keep Florida families safe, Governor DeSantis’ Framework for Freedom Budget includes more than $20.7 million in investments toward law enforcement efforts to combat the crippling opioid epidemic affecting all of Florida’s communities and families,” Prendergast said. “The budget also includes a continuation of a critical Governor DeSantis initiative to provide $5,000 bonus payments to new eligible law enforcement officers joining the profession. Thank you, Governor DeSantis, for your support to the thin blue line family.”
Don Davis, Warden of Florida State Prison, insisted that DeSantis’ commitment to corrections.
“As someone who has worked in the Florida Department of Corrections for 37 years, I have never seen such a positive impact as the one brought by Governor DeSantis,” Davis said. “Under his leadership, the department has received unprecedented support for better pay and recognition, and our agency is on the road to restoration. Thanks to Governor DeSantis’ dedication to increasing law enforcement funding, we are now safer and better equipped to serve the public, staff, and inmates. I am grateful for the Governor’s unwavering support for public safety, and I am proud to commend his exceptional contributions to the Florida Department of Corrections.”
Steve Zona, President of the Florida State Fraternal Order of Police, credit Florida’s reduction in crime to the governor’s bonus program for first responders.
“Florida is enjoying record low crime levels, and this is not on accident. It is because of the leadership and investments made by Governor Ron DeSantis,” Zona said . “There are substantial pay increases across the board for all of law enforcement and investments in technology that help us all to be more efficient and successful. The first responder recognition payments and the recruiting bonuses continues to make Florida the model for others to follow. We are fortunate in Florida that we have a Governor who backs up every word that comes out of his mouth and stands with law enforcement every single day. Thank you is not enough.”