Data from Iowa Should Terrify Trump Campaign

Entrance and exit poll data from the Iowa Caucuses revealed several notable statistics regarding support from Trump among younger voters and self-described Independent Voters. NBC’s entrance poll found that Trump failed to gain support from more than 21% of voters under the age of 29. Among voters under the age of 45, Trump’s numbers were stronger, but still under 50%, with 41% of the votes.

The Des Moines Register pre-caucus poll also found that among these gung-ho Republicans, six percent would support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rather than Trump, and eight percent would seek another third party choice. Bottom line: At least 25 percent of Iowa Republican caucus-goers say they will not vote for Trump in the general.”

“That’s significant. Our elections are decided by a few thousand votes in five swing states,” said Mona Charen of The Bulwark. “Admittedly, Iowa is not one of those swing states, but if large numbers of Republicans in ruby-red Iowa are saying they will not vote for Trump in the general election, what does that suggest about Republicans in places like Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia?”

Trump’s campaign can’t ignore the damning data from these polls, as well as the fact that baby boomers have been replaced by younger generations as the largest voting group in America.