Virginia Congressman Ben Cline Applauds Roanoke County School Board’s Decision to Reject Biden Admin’s Bid to Intervene in Deliberations on Issues Facing Parents & Students

Below is a press release from Virginia Congressman Ben Cline.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, Congressman Ben Cline (VA-06) applauded the Roanoke County School Board’s decision to reject the Biden Administration’s attempt to intervene as “mediator” in its deliberations on important issues involving parents and their children. Last week, Congressmen Ben Cline and Morgan Griffith (VA-09) sent a letter to Roanoke County School Board Chairman Brent Hudson urging the Board to continue to reject the offer of assistance from the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service (CRS) ahead of the vote over whether or not to adopt Governor Glenn Youngkin’s new initiative in public schools, and their efforts were successful.

Rep. Ben Cline said, “Whether it’s targeting concerned parents in Loudoun County or seeking to intervene as ‘mediator’ in Roanoke County School Board deliberations, the Biden DOJ has no right to try to insert itself into important issues facing parents and students. I applaud the Roanoke County School Board for rejecting the agency’s politicized attempt to overstep its authority and ensuring that the elected board members are the ones making the decisions that are in the best interests of Roanoke County parents and students without unelected bureaucrats in Washington getting in the way.”

Read more in The Daily Wire HERE.

Read the full letter HERE or below.

August 23, 2023

Dear Chairman Hudson:

We have been reading with interest the media reports surrounding recent school board deliberations on important issues facing both students and parents in the Roanoke Valley, and it has come to our attention that there has been an offer of assistance to you from the Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service (CRS).

We are writing to urge the Roanoke County School Board to continue to reject the offer from CRS and address school board matters without outside intervention. The parents, elected school board members, and Roanoke County taxpayers are much better suited to make important decisions about Roanoke County school matters than unelected bureaucrats from Washington, D.C. Thank you for your attention to this request, and please do not hesitate to reach out if we can ever assist you or the Board.


Congressman Ben Cline represents the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia. He previously was an attorney in private practice and served both as an assistant prosecutor and Member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Cline and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Botetourt County with their two children.