Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan Highlights Local Small Business’s Effort to Improve Water Quality on the Suncoast

Below is a press release from Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan.

PALMETTO, Fla.  – Congressman Vern Buchanan today toured Two Dock Shellfish, a local business specializing in growing clams and oysters. Two Docks Shellfish is also deeply engaged in research to mitigate red tide and improve water quality on the Gulf Coast. Buchanan was joined by Manatee County Commission Chair Kevin Van Ostenbridge on the tour.

“Red tide has wreaked havoc on marine life, our waters and the many businesses that rely on Florida’s tourism-based economy,” said Buchanan. “Two Docks Shellfish is not only putting fresh, local seafood on area residents’ dinner tables, but they are also helping filter and clean our water in the process. It’s encouraging to see a small business in our area working to make such a big difference in people’s everyday lives.”

Over the last several years, the Gulf Coast has experienced severe levels of red tide. Red tide is caused by toxin-producing algae that is extremely deadly to fish and other marine life and adversely affects tourism in the Suncoast region. In the 2022-2023 season, Manatee County cleared nearly 5 tons of dead fish and debris from area beaches due to the red tide outbreak.

Situated on the grounds of a former junkyard, Two Docks Shellfish has undergone extensive cleanup efforts and has established itself as an innovate oyster, clam and shellfish hatchery and aquaculture facility. Shellfish help with water filtration and nutrient reduction in our waters. Each middle neck clam grown at Two Docks Shellfish can filter up to 10 gallons of water per day and oysters can filter up to 50 gallons each.