Kentucky Congressman Brett Guthrie Introduces Bill to Deplatform Drug Dealers

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Below is a press release from Kentucky Congressman Brett Guthrie.

Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), who serves as the Chair of the Health Subcommittee on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, introduced the Deplatform Drug Dealers Act, which will amend Section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 to remove liability protections for online platforms relating to illegal sales of controlled substances on their sites.

“As deadly drugs ravage towns and cities across Kentucky and our nation we must act to protect our children and communities from these poisons. Cartels and drug dealers are increasingly targeting our children on social media, which has caused alarming increases in overdose deaths among teens and young adults from illicit drugs, including fentanyl. This bill will remove liability protection from social media platforms that fail to remove content related to the sale of these illicit drugs on their sites. Addressing the overdose crisis will require action from all corners of our society, including the social media platforms,” said Guthrie. 


Section 230 of the updated Communications Decency Act protects technology companies from being held liable for any content someone else has posted on their site. This has allowed social media companies to avert liability for trillions of messages that contain explicit content and promote illegal activity.

As the world becomes even more interconnected, we must stay at the forefront of ensuring our children are protected from bad actors. This legislation would require social media companies do their part in protecting our children, and holding illegal actors accountable for the harmful content they produce. 

Click here to view the text of the Deplatform Drug Dealers Act.  

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