Tennessee Congressman Scott DesJarlais Comments on Trump Federal Indictment Reports

Below is an official statement from Tennessee Congressman Scott DesJarlais regarding the indictment of former President Donald Trump.

“It was not too long ago in American history that it was sacrosanct that the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation remain non-political. 

Despite the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, the actions and statements of the investigators and attorneys involved leave many unanswered and disturbing questions about this principle.  The Justice Department should unseal this indictment immediately and share with the American people all of the facts and information that it has gathered. 

Justice should be blind, and it should be applied evenly, fairly, and consistent with previous actions by other former Presidents and the current President.  It should never be used as a means to a political end game. 

What is happening now is a dangerous moment for our country, and it has the potential of permanently scarring the confidence and trust of Americans in the federal justice system.”