The Hispanic Conservative Shift Impacting Florida

Since 2016, Florida’s registered Republican voter base has expanded, particularly in South Florida. Of all the regions of the Sunshine State that have seen...

Florida State Senator’s Bill for Blogger Registration Mirrors ‘Woke’ Totalitarian Leftist Policy – Opinion

North central Florida voters have supported state senator and former house representative Jason Brodeur based as on his campaign promises to limit government bureaucracy....

4 Vital Facts Ignored During Jon Stewart’s Debate with Arkansas’ Attorney General

In one of the most widely publicized examples of bias confirmation disguised as journalism, comedian Jon Stewart confronted Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge for...

Vanderbilt Pauses ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries on Minors After Pressure from State Leaders

One of the nation's most well-known pediatric clinics, Vanderbilt Medical Center, is suspending its gender transition services on minors. Tennessee State Rep. Jason...

Tennessee State Assembly Members Tell Vanderbilt to Stop Youth Gender Transition Surgeries

NASHVILLE - Vanderbilt University Medical Center is under fire from more than 60 state legislators due to its practice of gender transition surgery for...

Maxwell Frost – Like AOC, but More Extreme, Less Qualified

Overcrowded primary elections often produce inexperienced candidates, and Maxwell Frost is no exception. Frost, the Democratic Party’s nominee in Florida's 10th Congressional District, won...

Opinion: Trump Wants Haley in 2024 GOP Primary to Siphon Votes from DeSantis

With so much media attention focused on Trump’s criticism of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, it was easy for the average news consumer to miss...

Trump Should Expect DeSantis to Attack in 3 New Areas – Opinion

With Ron DeSantis officially joining the 2024 Republican Primary field, it's only a matter of time until the Florida governor begins to distinguish himself...

Three Reasons Why Trump’s 2024 CPAC Poll Victory is Meaningless – Opinion

For the average observer of American politics, it’s easy to interpret recent straw polls conducted by CPAC as an indication of overwhelming party-wide support...

Ron DeSantis, Not Trump, Offers the Best Path to the Future Republican Party

Donald Trump has good reason to fear a potential challenge from Ron Desantis. Republican Party leaders are attempting dissuade Trump for a 2024 candidacy...

Trump’s 2024 Campaign Success May Be Determined by Miami and Tampa Voters

Donald Trump's current position in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary is much stronger than his lone opponent, Nikki Haley, but if Florida Governor Ron...

Trump Should Focus on Virginia, Forget Michigan for 2024

While the 2024 General Election is more than a year away, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the heavy favorites to win the nomination...

Susan Crabtree: Georgia Thwarts Trump’s ‘Kingmaker’ Role

Judge Sides with DeSantis and Florida Attorney General Against Biden’s ‘Catch and Release’ Illegal...

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis enjoyed a second-straight legal victory regarding illegal immigration, as federal Judge T. Kent Wetherell sided with the Florida Attorney General...

DeSantis, Rubio Maintain Leads in Latest Polls

Democrats haven't controlled the Florida Governor's Mansion since the mid 90's, and Ron DeSantis appears likely to keep that streak intact. Poll results today...

Two Southern Governors May Be Dark Horse 2024 Presidential Candidates

While political pundits throughout national media speculate about a potential 2024 campaign by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, two other governors in the south have...

Candidate Spotlight: Jason Holic: An Independent in Florida Congressional District 10 (Orlando Area)

Florida's 10th Congressional District race for the 2022 Midterm Election could be considered the ultimate microcosm of the nation's current political climate, with many...

Florida Attracts Most New Residents of All States in 2022

A vibrant economy and an influx of news residents and news businesses have helped Florida become the top state for new residents in 2022,...

New Poll Shows Trump Losing to DeSantis Among Florida Republican Voters

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leads Donald Trump by 25 points in a recent 2024 Republican Presidential Primary poll conducted by the University of North...

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Discusses Election Integrity, Ballot Security on the...

For more stories on Georgia politics, visit our Georgia political news section.

Florida Congressman Who Served as Green Beret Slams Biden Administration’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

During the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the Administration’s emergency evacuation from Afghanistan, Congressman Mike Waltz (R-FL), a Green Beret, condemned the Biden...

Nikki Haley Beats Joe Biden in 2024 Presidential Election Poll by Rasmussen

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley made headlines with her presidential candidacy, and a new poll by Rasmussen shows her ahead of President Joe...

2024 Democrats in North Carolina May Benefit from Population Growth in Charlotte, Durham and...

Republican Ted Budd will be North Carolina's next U.S. Senator, but state Democrats have new reasons to view their chances in 2024 with more...

Republican Voter-Dominant Counties in North Carolina

In the open U.S. Senate seat race between Republican Ted Budd and Democrat Cheri Beasley, Budd has averaged lead of approximately five percent, but...

Who is Matt Gaetz? A Closer Look at the Trump Loyalist

During the past decade, Matt Gaetz, Rep. Fl, has ascended the political latter at a remarkable pace and developed a national following among staunch...

Missouri Democrats May Benefit from Recreational Marijuana Legalization Ballot Initiative

A vote on legalization of recreational marijuana use may shift "The Show Me State" into competitive territory. After the dust finally settled in Missouri's...

Hurricane Ian’s Potential Impact on DeSantis vs. Crist

Disclaimer: Political trends and are never as important as the lives impacted by an act of nature, but the 2022 Midterm Election is less...

Moore Capito Announces Candidacy for West Virginia Governor

Republican Moore Capito announced he is running in West Virginia's 2024 Gubernatorial Election. Capito is the the son of Sen. Shelley Moore Capito and...

The Story That Charlie Crist Hopes You’ve Forgotten

Watch any press conference or stump speech by Charlie Crist during this 2022 election season, and one overriding theme will stand out among all...

Two Simple Reasons to Ignore 2024 Straw Polls from CPAC and Similar Events

For the average observer of American politics, it's easy to interpret recent straw polls conducted by CPAC as an indication of overwhelming party-wide support...